Our Story

There are times when you wish to contribute to the society , we all want to work towards the betterment of the society but limit ourselves to just donating a small sum to some organization working towards the cause we most care about. The reasons may be many- job requirements, family pressures, unawareness to name a few.

The team behind UDGS foundation also faced the same limitations, we wished to do more than donating but couldn't find a way.

Either we didn't feel connected with the ongoing projects of the NGOs or being a part of the projects demanded too much that we could not afford to join alongside our own Jobs/Business.

The noble thought of doing something for the society brought the team together and led to the formation of UDGS foundation in the year 2013 - a platform where we are not bound by anything except our commitment to contribute a bit for our society.

And hence you have UDGS foundation in front of you. An organization where anyone with a zest of living not just for themselves but for others can come and Join the Mission.

UDGS have a wide span of working including, Promotion of art and culture, Education, Productive aging , Working for differently able , Poverty eradication , Rural development etc.

Team UDGS is committed to give its very best in whatever field it steps in and the beginning has been made from changing the apathy, negativity and fear which surrounds the sector of education, and arts through its specially designed workshops, Seminars, performances under two of its current projects ‘Express and lead’ and ‘Unfold Yourself’.

Our Name

In the iconic race between ‘The Rabbit’ and ‘The Tortoise’ , tortoise was with no chance of winning was an underdog but he emerged out as the winner and one strong reason behind his win was that he was considered as an ‘Underdog’ by all.

Team UDGS believes there is an Underdog in each and every one of us. In one situation we might be doing good but in some we might be back stepping . So, we wanted the underdog in us to come out and perform and take the additional advantage of being taken as an Underdog by others. So we found our name which reflected its purpose, its mission :
Under- DoGS Foundation